Use this form to apply for a permanent or temporary road closure.
A road is any area of land that has been set aside by legislation for the use of the travelling public. Not all roads are currently being used by vehicles or pedestrians, and some may never end up being used for that purpose.
Lodging this application costs fee 33909 per title reference. Application fees are non-refundable.
The content on this page may help you decide if this application form applies to you and your needs. It will also help guide you through the application process. For detailed information and to ensure you complete the correct application form, we encourage you to arrange a pre-lodgement meeting and refer to the Land Act 1994. Contact your nearest business centre to arrange a meeting.
Are you from a local government or the Department of Transport and Main Roads and you're the road manager (or applying on their behalf)?
Use the button at the base of the page to acknowledge you have understood and this will allow you to access the application form.
Adjoining landholder
An adjoining landholder who is the registered owner of the property that shares common boundary with the road can apply for:
permanent or temporary road closure
temporary road closure for:
pipes for irrigation purposes that cross the road beneath its surface
water channels for irrigation purposes that cross the road.
Note: You can apply to close the area of road that immediately adjoins the property boundary, but not any part of the road that continues in either direction beyond the property boundary. You can’t apply for an entire road closure if you only have limited frontage to the road. You’re not considered an adjoining owner if the road is a ‘dead end’, and the property boundary only adjoins on the end and doesn’t extend along the road.
permanent road closure (if eligible under the Land Act 1994)
temporary road closure (if they are an adjoining landholder)
temporary road closure for:
pipes for irrigation purposes that cross the road beneath its surface
water channels for irrigation purposes that cross the road.
Other applicants
All other applicants can apply for temporary road closure for:
pipes for irrigation purposes that cross the road beneath its surface
water channels for irrigation purposes that cross the road.
If we refused an earlier application and the reasons for the refusal have not changed, your application may not be considered.
Important information
If you are not from the local government or the Department of Transport and Main Roads
Scroll back to the top of this guide page and select "No" to the question "Are you from a local government or the Department of Transport and Main Roads...?
Permanent road closure
A road can be permanently closed under the Land Act 1994 as long as the road is not:
the only dedicated access to a person’s land
used regularly by the public as a road or stock route
providing continuity to a road network.
When a road is closed permanently, its status changes from 'road' to 'unallocated state land'. Depending on how the land is to be allocated, the area of road to be permanently closed may be:
incorporated into your adjoining freehold or leasehold land
included in an existing reserve or set apart as a new reserve
dealt with by the issue of a term lease.
Sections of road can be closed to provide works for connecting:
overhead viaducts or underground tunnels for commercial purposes between two buildings
structures that will overhang a road
carparks or buildings under or over a road.
Temporary road closure
You can make an application for a temporary road closure when dealing with:
irrigation pipes that cross beneath the surface of the road
irrigation water channels that cross the road.
The road is temporarily closed from the day a road licence issues over the road area.
Local government roads
The local government is responsible for the day-to-day management of dedicated roads in its area, including their construction and maintenance, as stated in section 60 of the Local Government Act 2009.
You should contact the local government for the road you want to close. If they can authorise the proposed use, you don’t need to submit this application.
If the road you want to close is a state road, contact the Department of Transport and Main Roads. If they can authorise the proposed use, you don’t need to submit this application.
You, or a legal practitioner on your behalf, must electronically sign the application. It will then automatically be lodged through the online process.
Within the online application, there is a help guide to assist you to complete your application.
PDF applications
To submit your PDF application, you’ll need:
Road closure (PDF) application form
Contact and land details (PDF or online) application form
post to Department of Resources, PO Box 5318, Townsville QLD 4810.
Lodging this application costs fee 33909 per title reference. Application fees are non-refundable.
You can pay your application fee:
via credit card over the phone - a departmental officer will contact you to organise the payment
via cheque by post. Cheques should be made out to the 'Department of Resources' and marked 'not negotiable'.
We'll send you a receipt once we've established that your application meets all requirements.
We will assess your application against legislative requirements. We will seek the views of other stakeholders (e.g. state, regional and local agencies) and inspect the land if required.
We'll consider the relevant policies and legislation:
Our review will also include an assessment of whether native title issues need to be addressed, and how this should be done. Depending on the outcome, you may be required to address native titles issues as a condition of the offer.
Public notice requirement
To assess local community opinion about a proposed closure, a public notice is required (for example, an advertisement in a local or digital newspaper, signs erected on the land). We will provide details once you have lodged your application.
Once we have received the advice of other stakeholders and all issues have been investigated, we will send you a written notice of the decision. Your application may be:
approved over a reduced area (approved in part)
If approved, a written offer will set out the various conditions and requirements. You must complete the acceptance form and return it to us by the date specified or the offer will lapse.
Once you have accepted the offer and satisfied all offer conditions, we will:
take action to close the road
notify you that the road has been closed.
Costs for closing a road
The costs involved in closing a road will depend on how the land is to be allocated. This could include payments for:
Information on this form, and any attachments, is being collected to process and assess your application under section 99 of the Land Act 1994. The consideration of your application may involve consultation, and if so details of your application may be disclosed to third parties. They will not be otherwise disclosed outside the department unless required or authorised by law.
We may wish to contact you to seek your views on our service, to advise you of any legislative changes that might affect you, or to seek your participation in surveys or programs relevant to your application type. Any participation will be voluntary and you can email if you don't want the department to contact you.
We may also compile or analyse statistics and conduct research. Any findings we publish won't include identifying personal information.
Under the Right to Information Act 2009, interested parties may seek access to our records and view relevant documents.
Contact the road manager to discuss your application before you complete this form.
Make sure they provide an email address so we can send them the LA30 – Statement in relation to an application under the Land Act 1994 over State Land (LA30 statement).
To access the application form
Please read the information below.
Use the button at the base of the page to acknowledge you have understood and this will allow you to access the application form.
Adjoining landholder
An adjoining landholder who is the registered owner of the property that shares common boundary with the road can apply for:
permanent or temporary road closure
temporary road closure for:
pipes for irrigation purposes that cross the road beneath its surface
water channels for irrigation purposes that cross the road.
Note: You can apply to close the area of road that immediately adjoins the property boundary, but not any part of the road that continues in either direction beyond the property boundary. You can’t apply for an entire road closure if you only have limited frontage to the road. You’re not considered an adjoining owner if the road is a ‘dead end’, and the property boundary only adjoins on the end and doesn’t extend along the road.
permanent road closure (if eligible under the Land Act 1994)
temporary road closure (if they are an adjoining landholder)
temporary road closure for:
pipes for irrigation purposes that cross the road beneath its surface
water channels for irrigation purposes that cross the road.
Other applicants
All other applicants can apply for temporary road closure for:
pipes for irrigation purposes that cross the road beneath its surface
water channels for irrigation purposes that cross the road.
If we refused an earlier application and the reasons for the refusal have not changed, your application may not be considered.
Important information
Before we can assess your application, the relevant road manager must complete an LA30 – Statement in relation to an application under the Land Act 1994 over State Land.
Contact the road manager to discuss your application before you complete this form. Make sure they provide an email address so we can send them the LA30 statement.
Permanent road closure
When a road is closed permanently, its status changes from 'road' to 'unallocated state land'. Depending on how the land is to be allocated, the area of road to be permanently closed may be:
incorporated into your adjoining freehold or leasehold land
included in an existing reserve or set apart as a new reserve
dealt with by the issue of a term lease.
Sections of road can be closed to provide works for connecting:
overhead viaducts or underground tunnels for commercial purposes between two buildings
structures that will overhang a road
carparks or buildings under or over a road.
Temporary road closure
You can make an application for a temporary road closure when dealing with:
irrigation pipes that cross beneath the surface of the road
irrigation water channels that cross the road.
The road is temporarily closed from the day a road licence issues over the road area.
Local government roads
The local government is responsible for the day-to-day management of dedicated roads in its area, including their construction and maintenance, as stated in section 60 of the Local Government Act 2009.
You should contact the local government for the road you want to close. If they can authorise the proposed use, you don’t need to submit this application.
If the road you want to close is a state road, contact the Department of Transport and Main Roads. If they can authorise the proposed use, you don’t need to submit this application.
You, or a legal practitioner on your behalf, must electronically sign the application. It will then automatically be lodged through the online process.
Within the online application, there is a help guide to assist you to complete your application.
PDF applications
To submit your PDF application, you’ll need:
Road closure (PDF) application form
Contact and land details (online or PDF) application form
post to Department of Resources, PO Box 5318, Townsville QLD 4810.
Lodging this application costs fee 33909 per title reference. Application fees are non-refundable.
You can pay your application fee:
via credit card over the phone - a departmental officer will contact you to organise the payment
via cheque by post. Cheques should be made out to the 'Department of Resources' and marked 'not negotiable'.
We'll send you a receipt once we've established that your application meets all requirements.
We will assess your application against legislative requirements. We will seek the views of other stakeholders (e.g. state, regional and local agencies) and inspect the land if required.
We'll consider the relevant policies and legislation:
Our review will also include an assessment of whether native title issues need to be addressed, and how this should be done. Depending on the outcome, you may be required to address native titles issues as a condition of the offer.
Public notice requirement
To assess local community opinion about a proposed closure, a public notice is required (for example, an advertisement in a local or digital newspaper, signs erected on the land). We will provide details once you have lodged your application.
Once we have received the advice of other stakeholders and all issues have been investigated, we will send you a written notice of the decision. Your application may be:
approved over a reduced area (approved in part)
If approved, a written offer will set out the various conditions and requirements. You must complete the acceptance form and return it to us by the date specified or the offer will lapse.
Once you have accepted the offer and satisfied all offer conditions, we will:
take action to close the road
notify you that the road has been closed.
Costs for closing a road
The costs involved in closing a road will depend on how the land is to be allocated. This could include payments for:
Information on this form, and any attachments, is being collected to process and assess your application under section 99 of the Land Act 1994. The consideration of your application may involve consultation, and if so details of your application may be disclosed to third parties. They will not be otherwise disclosed outside the department unless required or authorised by law.
We may wish to contact you to seek your views on our service, to advise you of any legislative changes that might affect you, or to seek your participation in surveys or programs relevant to your application type. Any participation will be voluntary and you can email if you don't want the department to contact you.
We may also compile or analyse statistics and conduct research. Any findings we publish won't include identifying personal information.
Under the Right to Information Act 2009, interested parties may seek access to our records and view relevant documents.